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When we want to make it clear that something is simplicity itself to complete or understand, we often find ourselves reaching for that well-worn phrase, “It’s as easy as one, two, three.”
The truth is, though, that numbers can be a tricky proposition, whether you’re an early learner grappling with the very concepts of counting and quantity, or a nursery owner balancing incomings with outgoings… or indeed a politician desperate for the figures on your press release to obscure those that exist in reality.
We can’t promise to tackle all of the above this issue, but with an eye on both the development of vital early maths skills – including tips on helping children make sense of money in an age of contactless payments (p41) – and the ongoing funding issues the sector faces, we can at least make a start.
That’s not all you’ll find over the following pages, though. There’s plenty to enjoy centred on picture books too, from ideas on unlocking creativity with shared reading (p48) to recommendations of engaging interactive titles (p50), plus insights into the power of wordless books to develop critical thinking (p37).
And don’t miss Emma Spiers’ exploration of rhythmic play (p26) or Nikky Smedley’s thoughts on managing our expectations of young children.
Enjoy the issue!
Helen Mulley – Commissioning Editor
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